Saturday, September 24, 2011

CCSC: Quick Thoughts

The Ball State crew got back this afternoon from the Consortium of Computing Science in Colleges Midwest Conference, which took place at Huntington University. I'll probably take some time to think of some larger ideas, but I wanted to jot down a few thoughts and reactions before I retired for the day.

Overall, I had a lot of fun. The group we went with was interesting and quirky, so the conversation was always chuckleworthy.

Four of us from the Morgan's Raid project presented on Scrum and demoed Morgan's Raid itself. The feedback was very positive, and those that came to see our poster/presentation asked great questions. It's harder to explain something to someone else than it is to think about it yourself, so it was a good exercise.

The Programming Competition was fun, too. My group of three had never participated in anything like this before, so we aimed to take it seriously but have fun. I was a little disappointed with our results(2 successfully completed problems). The winning team had 6, and the other BSU team had 5, I believe, placing them 3rd. I was happy to hear that they placed in the competition.

My team was a few minutes away from getting at least two more problems submitted. Could've, would've, should've I guess, but after discussing the whole competition there was mention of going to another, larger competition in November. My guess is that we'll try to do it. Travelling is fun, and four out of the six of us who traveled this weekend will be graduating next May, so we're all trying to get as much out of the time we have left. We also got to work and socialize with two of the other BSU CS students who will be involved with the Spring Virginia Ball Center project. I hadn't really met them until this trip and they seem like good fellas, so I'm looking forward to things a bit more than I was (which was a lot already).

Huntington University had some great architecture and a nice campus. While I wish I had attended last year, I am happy that I had another chance to experience it. I'd highly recommend attending it as an undergrad.

I'll look at the Programming Competition in my next post.

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